I've seen some back and forth about this video. Some feel it's an attack on the faith. I don't see it that way. I see it as an attack on legalism....false religion.
IMO, he is describing "false religion" and has described it really well. So everytime he says "religion", I take it as him talking about false religion. I think there are others taking it otherwise, and in that I can see where there would be offense, but I don't see it as an attack on the faith.
I don't see it as a message saying "sin all you want, grace will cover it". I don't see it as saying we don't have to do any changing in our lives. Not at all. I think he addressing how the church has put so many restrictions and judgmental attitudes on people that they feel they can not freely approach salvation. Salvation is not earned. It's a gift.
"IT IS DONE" is about initial salvation. Christ died and rose again so that we did not have to die for sin. We now have the option of life. Yes, we need to make efforts to reflect a life of Christ, but we do not earn the salvation that begins our journey. It's a gift, to us...to ALL of us. When we can freely approach salvation then we understand grace, and grace is what keeps us getting up every morning knowing that we just need to do our best and that our weaknesses are not bigger than God. Religion as false religion is the reason I tried so hard to be athiest for years. All I could see was the world's view of God and what a Christian "should be. In this thinking, no one can measure up in it's eyes. We are defined by how God sees us though, and he's searching for the unwanted, the undesireable, the snubbed, the unrighteously judged, and the lost. He's searching for the ones that get turned away at church or get scoffed at or the ones that try but feel they can't add up. None of us add up! We never will! That's the beauty of grace! Why would Christ die to give us grace if we didn't need it?
I don't see it as a message saying "sin all you want, grace will cover it". I don't see it as saying we don't have to do any changing in our lives. Not at all. I think he addressing how the church has put so many restrictions and judgmental attitudes on people that they feel they can not freely approach salvation. Salvation is not earned. It's a gift.
"IT IS DONE" is about initial salvation. Christ died and rose again so that we did not have to die for sin. We now have the option of life. Yes, we need to make efforts to reflect a life of Christ, but we do not earn the salvation that begins our journey. It's a gift, to us...to ALL of us. When we can freely approach salvation then we understand grace, and grace is what keeps us getting up every morning knowing that we just need to do our best and that our weaknesses are not bigger than God. Religion as false religion is the reason I tried so hard to be athiest for years. All I could see was the world's view of God and what a Christian "should be. In this thinking, no one can measure up in it's eyes. We are defined by how God sees us though, and he's searching for the unwanted, the undesireable, the snubbed, the unrighteously judged, and the lost. He's searching for the ones that get turned away at church or get scoffed at or the ones that try but feel they can't add up. None of us add up! We never will! That's the beauty of grace! Why would Christ die to give us grace if we didn't need it?
I see this video as attacking a prominent world's mindset of this faith, not the faith. I do back up this video, but I do want to acknowledge that maybe he should use "false religion" vs "religion" since definitions/angles always change with the culture. We have a responsibility to be very careful in our wording and/or how we are perceived especially when trying to be good examples. No everyone is going to understand your intentions, so we should be very careful. Anyhoo...for those interested or not liking it. Just a tidbit on how I see it/understood it...