Friday, April 20, 2012

When Losing Is Gaining

Short and sweet today:

Sometimes, it's not about salvaging the leftovers in a situation. Sometimes, it's about us just needing to get up and leave the whole shipwreck behind.

There was a situation in my life years ago that I spent a lot of time going over in my mind. I went from regret to guilt to anger to indifference to just analyzing it to glean from it what could be used in the future.

One day in that time, I was driving along and thinking about it and speaking to God from my heart saying: "NEVER AGAIN will I let the enemy come in and take from me". Then I got mad and I was remembering all the times I prayed over that situattion that God would remove the obstacles in the way and asking Him why He hadn't removed the obstacles. I was yelling through tears...asking Him why He didn't fix what needed to be fixed. As I was in that thought, this thought came to my heart INSTANTLY, quietly, and as clear as a bell:

"..but I DID remove it. I heard you, and I answered. I removed what was hindering you from me. That what you were trying to hold on to...was the obstacle."

I was instantly bawling. I had to pull over because of the clarity and overwhelming love I felt. It was a bitter sweet experience. In a moment, a lifetime piece fell into place.

Sometimes it's not that we are being punished.

Sometimes it's not that we failed.

Sometimes..... it's that we were being saved from    destruction that we couldn't even recognize.


  1. Great thoughts as always, Sandy. So many times I'm stuck here too and it's hard for me to leave my failures and doubts behind. Thanks for the reminder. :)

    1. Thanks, Austin. :) Life...our harshest and best teacher. ;)


I read each of these comments with excitement knowing that I will either gain confirmation or suggestions! God bless you!