I had a thought the other day on some phrases I've heard a lot. They were: “guard your heart” and “you just place your love in the wrong people”. Those are phrases we hear constantly. What I’ve learned is that these phrases are brought up though more so as a defense mechanism in accordance to some hurtful event.
My take on these phrases is that we don’t actually misplace love when it’s on certain people. We misplace it in the way we place love.
As believers, God calls us to love everyone. To think that there are people out there undeserving or unable to “handle” our love “correctly”, is saying that they don’t deserve to be acknowledged. That goes against the most important commandment which is to love one another. Our lives shouldn’t contradict scripture. When it does, we need to rethink our actions- not others'.
So as believers, we are to show love to everyone. We just need to pray for guidance to be able to love in a way that is pure and spiritually beneficial to others (and in a full circle beneficial for ourselves). We’re not able to do this on our own though, but God does it through us. So, therein lies the answer: to have our hearts break for what breaks HIS heart. That would require to see people through His eyes. God's love is pure and without fear. We have to ask God for that. Warning: It’s a Consuming Thing.
But there’s nothing in this world like it, because when you feel and see the love God has for others then you realize how God feels and sees you too. 
Nothing in world guys, will ever make you feel complete. No other person, even if they wanted to and tried, can satisfy you with an unconditional love. We all have natural tendencies here on earth (because of sin) that will hurt others. If we view the statement “guard your heart” AS ”protect your heart so no one can hurt it”, then we are withholding ourselves from others. If that is what is happening, then we are placing or have placed love in the wrong way. We are not to withhold. So, the problem is with us.
Guard your heart not because it should be up on a pedastool as if your love has to be earned. God gave to us freely, and freely we should give. You guard your heart(spirit) because we typically try to guide it with our human emotions; therefore, it’s unable to guide you correctly all of the time. You guard your heart from yourself, not from others. That's just how I see it. I hope it's a positive seed planted. Pray about it.
God wants us to love others as He Loves them and He loves them all soo much He died for them. They don’t deserve anything less from us. Go love righteously, unconditionally, and in an un-biased way. Go love with God’s heart and be filled, and in turn He will protect yours.
My take on these phrases is that we don’t actually misplace love when it’s on certain people. We misplace it in the way we place love.
As believers, God calls us to love everyone. To think that there are people out there undeserving or unable to “handle” our love “correctly”, is saying that they don’t deserve to be acknowledged. That goes against the most important commandment which is to love one another. Our lives shouldn’t contradict scripture. When it does, we need to rethink our actions- not others'.
So as believers, we are to show love to everyone. We just need to pray for guidance to be able to love in a way that is pure and spiritually beneficial to others (and in a full circle beneficial for ourselves). We’re not able to do this on our own though, but God does it through us. So, therein lies the answer: to have our hearts break for what breaks HIS heart. That would require to see people through His eyes. God's love is pure and without fear. We have to ask God for that. Warning: It’s a Consuming Thing.
Nothing in world guys, will ever make you feel complete. No other person, even if they wanted to and tried, can satisfy you with an unconditional love. We all have natural tendencies here on earth (because of sin) that will hurt others. If we view the statement “guard your heart” AS ”protect your heart so no one can hurt it”, then we are withholding ourselves from others. If that is what is happening, then we are placing or have placed love in the wrong way. We are not to withhold. So, the problem is with us.
Guard your heart not because it should be up on a pedastool as if your love has to be earned. God gave to us freely, and freely we should give. You guard your heart(spirit) because we typically try to guide it with our human emotions; therefore, it’s unable to guide you correctly all of the time. You guard your heart from yourself, not from others. That's just how I see it. I hope it's a positive seed planted. Pray about it.
God wants us to love others as He Loves them and He loves them all soo much He died for them. They don’t deserve anything less from us. Go love righteously, unconditionally, and in an un-biased way. Go love with God’s heart and be filled, and in turn He will protect yours.
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I read each of these comments with excitement knowing that I will either gain confirmation or suggestions! God bless you!