There comes a point in our lives where we realize we've been marinating and soaking in God soo much and soo long that we've forgotten to open our eyes to look around and see opportunities where we can apply what we've been learning. Maybe you didn't know yet that there's more than just sitting here in God's presence. Maybe there was still some work to be done on you, but maybe you just don't want to step out of that comfort zone. It's time to step out to do and be the example we've been praising.
God's word has some strong words regarding us hearing His word yet not doing His word. You don't have to be superhuman either. Just pay attention to the "tug" at your heart particularly in the more personal not-on-exhibit moments. Lend an ear. Offer a shoulder. Wipe a tear. Hug that neck. Release a prayer over them. Hold that hand. Don't be afraid to reach out. I think you'll be surprised how easily peoples' walls come down when sincerity is on the forefront. Simply ask God today to show you opportunities to show His love, and watch God form you into what you've been hearing. God bless you today as you become one of God's stories. ♥ -
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I read each of these comments with excitement knowing that I will either gain confirmation or suggestions! God bless you!