Sunday, November 11, 2012

God Already Knows That Thing You Hide. Let Him Have It And Get Free.

The enemy wants us to think that when we submit things to God that we think we are hiding from God, that we are done because it shows weakness according to the world's standards or that condemnation ensues. The enemy does so by trying to make us feel ashamed or afraid.

The truth is that the opposite happens. The more we submit to God, the more He heals. The more God heals, the stronger those areas become. We take on God's mindset and God's confidence. We become free to be who we were meant to be. We are free to see who around us is for us. We are free to know that we don't need anything less anyways! INSECURITIES DISAPPEAR BECAUSE THERE'S NOTHING LEFT TO HIDE! There's no Godly reason for the feelings of shame or embarrassment in this physical realm other than that the enemy puts those feelings on us because he wants us as ineffective as possible in the spiritual realm.

If you have spent a lifetime of holding onto shame or the fear of rejection...I'd love to see what God's plan is for you because apparently "somebody" REALLY doesn't want you fully walking in Christ. The enemy doesn't attack you with feelings of inadequacy because you're supposedly weak or unloved. You're attacked because you're capable of doing some major damage to the enemy's camp. So kick the enemy away from your ear, and get FREE.

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I read each of these comments with excitement knowing that I will either gain confirmation or suggestions! God bless you!